I could use that soled shoes with
this tight jeans, see what I mean ? or maybe that long dress made to impress
deserve that too. Eyeing for that diamond ring for my right hand should
understand, a one of kind watch something top-notch deserve that too. I do make
believe ..
Lalalalalala what do I miss ?
Lalalalalala beside that kis all those fancy things fail to make my heart sing
can’t buy me happiness. An improved me may be lasered and botoxed let the world
shocked this lines in my face will be erased deserve that too. Changing for
another shrink cause mine is bored minutes ago, I need a healer to be better
deserve that too, I do make believe. Filling all rooms in this empety heart but
all the glitter all those work of art I deserve that too. The less I posses
could it be the answer to my bitterness? until it’s true you should try to walk
in my shoes my red soled shoes.
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